Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The Plan.

As it turns out, my wife approved. What's more my friend John agreed to join me.

Then work gave me the time off (the Director being a keen mountain biker). Then Alastair Humphreys* told me it was a good idea. Then another friend offered to try and get me a deal with a biking magazine to write it up.

So, before I knew it... I found myself here. With a plan.

What is this plan? Why, it's simple.

John and I ride a couple of Fat Bikes from the northernmost tip of mainland Iceland to the south coast. En route we cross the Interior Highlands and where possible** we stay off road and be unsupported***. The route is approximately 500km and we'd expect it to take about 2 weeks. We hope to go in late August early September next year, and we'll be raising money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association (think of this as one humungous Ice-Bucket Challenge!). We're going to try and draw as much attention as possible, so feel free to spread the word. Cheers!

* http://www.alastairhumphreys.com/adventures/transiceland/
** Icelandic law states that if there is a highway we must use it. But for much of the interior, there wont be any highways...
*** Hiding in a bunkhouse and/or accepting a hot meal from a kindly soul doesn't count!

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